Maya's Diary
Valentine's Day Memories
Vintage Valentine's Day
We've been learning about Valentine's Telegrams in school. Did you know in 1936, over 50,00 Valentine's telegrams had been sent out in all colours and designs? By the time World War 2 hit, the elaborate designs had been scaled back to save paper and ink and a general template was used for all occasions. The telegram did die out eventually with the popularity of the phone.
Valentine's eCards
And then the mobile phone took over... Most of my classmates just send texts with lots of emojis or if you're really lucky, an eCard! That's about as elaborate as it gets.
All I Want For Christmas....
"I've asked for bass lessons this Christmas. All of the girls in school have asked for new dresses and looked at me funny when I told them I wanted bass lessons. I don't like dresses. They don't go well with skateboarding! Mum said it's good to be different. It used to bother me but now I quite like not being like everyone else..."
Take home your own Maya in time for Christmas.