Returns Policy
All of us at A Girl for All Time® hope that you will love your purchase.
However, if for any reason you do not, then simply return it to us.
If you have simply changed your mind about your purchase, all we ask is that you return items to us in perfect condition, unopened, in it’s original display box/packaging within 14 days of receipt. Please ensure that the item is well protected and wrapped carefully to avoid damage in the post.
You need to include a copy of your receipt with your return, together with a brief reason for the return and your contact information including phone and email. We will be happy to exchange the item for you or provide you with a full refund, excluding postage and packing.
Please do remember to keep your postal receipt as proof of posting, and we suggest that you return your items via registered post, as A Girl for All Time® cannot be held responsible for any returns lost or damaged in the post.
We will let you know by email when we have received your parcel and once a refund or exchange has been processed for you. If you have any queries regarding a return or wish to inform us that it a return is coming, please email us at:
Please note that A Girl for All Time is not responsible for refund of postage on returned items if you have changed your mind . If we are contacted more than 28 days after delivery we reserve the right to offer partial lcompensation.
Faulty or Damaged Goods
We try very hard to ensure your goods reach you in perfect condition. If you do find a problem with your order on receipt, please let us know immediately at It is helpful to send us a photograph and brief description of the problem in the email.
We may ask you to return the item to us, so please be sure to include your original receipt as well as a summary of any correspondence with us and your contact info including phone and email address. Once your items are received, we will send out a notification email and arrange for a replacement to be sent to you as soon as possible. If we are unable to replace the item in reasonable time, we will provide a full refund.
Returns Address and Contact Details
Depending on where you are and what the issue with the product is, the delivery address will differ. Please contact us at this email address to log a return and determine the correct return location: