Elinor goes to the Globe Theatre!

Elinor's Diary Entry - Summer 1603
The Globe - London, England
Dear Diary,
I have such exciting news. Mum says we can finally go to the Globe Theatre! The city of London has walls around it, and it is all north of River Thames. Because of this, leaving the city is very dangerous. Apparently lots of risky things happen South of the river because it’s outside the control of the city officials. This is why it’s such a huge deal that Mum said we could go… the Globe is on Southbank!
I want to see one of William Shakespeare’s new plays, Twelfth Night. He’s a super popular playwright and actor these days; he’s even got his own acting company called Chamberlain’s Men. Mum says that Twelfth Night has some adult themes, but I’m thirteen years old now, so I might be able to go. I’ve been wanting to go since the Globe was first built a four whole years ago, so I think she’s coming round. My friend Cressie went to see one of Shakespeare’s plays and I’ve been ever so jealous. I think the play was called Horatio? No, wait - Hamlet! That’s definitely it.
Mum warned me though: we can’t stand in the pit. Even though that’s where a lot of the action happens (because you’re so close to the stage), she says the theatre is a place to be seen by others, as well as to see the play. We don’t want to be a ‘Groundling’ she says. I said to her I don’t see why not, but she called me naïve and said that I’d care about my reputation when I’m older. I think this means we’ll buy bench-seats. At least I’ll be eye-level with the stage instead of looking up from the pit. Even if there’s less happening…
Elinor x
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