Amelia's Secret Diary
Amelia's Time
It's rare for me to be alone. Aunt seems to always be watching over me. She says as I'm getting older I'm going to need a chaperone otherwise people will talk. I can't think of anything worse than someone following me around, knowing my every move.
I love time on my own. It helps me to hear my own thoughts. I like to make stories up and act them out without anyone watching. I can be whoever I want to be without breaking silly rules.
I like to include Father in my stories too. It helps me keep his memory alive. He'd understand my alone time because he often needed it too.
Read more of Amelia's story
Easter Flowers and Easter Egg Hunting!
I've been surrounded by lots and lots of flowers today. Yellow Tulips, white Easter Lilies, purple Pansies, and they all make my nose itch! Aunt and I have been making flower arrangments to decorate our home and the local church. It's fiddly work and mine don't look as neat, as aunt keeps reminding me. Apparently, it's ladylike to make beautiful arrangments! I'm more excited about the egg hunt in the local park... I can't wait to collect all of the beautifully colored eggs hidden in the hedgerows and behind the trees and if I collect the most, I'll get a surprise...
Bring home your very own Amelia!
Women's History Month- Amelia's Favoutite Writers
"My Aunt doesn't approve of me reading. She says it fills my head with ideas at least that's what she says about girls' reading. Although she does encourage me to read poetry and play the piano because she says it will be easier to find an educated husband who will be able to look after me if I do. My teacher made me promise I'd keep on reading, though. I love reading fiction by Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte and Emily Dickenson. Aunt says fiction is a waste of past time! It may be fiction but inspiration has to come from real life experiences. One day, things will change for girls, maybe not in my lifetime but someday!"

With a Book you are Never Lonely!
"Aunt Cora doesn’t seem to like the idea of education. I’ve to hide my books that Miss Lancer gave me on my last day of school - “You have a fine brain, Amelia. Don’t forget that," if Aunt Cora had anything to do with it, I’d easily forget it. “With a book, you are never lonely. With education, you have a solid sense of self-worth.” Those words have stuck with me I’m only just appreciating now that she said those things to me. It helps when you’ve someone that believes in you."
Amelia's inheritance by BAFTA nominated writer and director Sandra Goldbacher is available to purchase now.
Amelia loves to read...
I’ve really enjoyed teaching Effie to read although it’s frustrating sometimes as she doesn’t always listen. Now I know why adults say ‘ Patience is a virtue’ ! We’ve been reading from my ancestor Matilda Marchmont’s old diary - Effie loves reading it as it’s filled with such shocking stories from Tudor times ! Effie does love anything dramatic, just like her brother Fleet !
I love being able to read - there are so many books I want tuck into before I go to bed. I don’t know why society thinks women can’t - or shouldn’t - write. There are so many lady authors now - Emily Bronte, Elizabeth Barret Browning, Christina Rosetti ! I want to read them all but Aunt Cora thinks I should only read texts on sewing, or silly things like dance steps….
Why not read more about Amelia in Amelia’s Inheritance, a story of intrigue and adventure set in Victorian London.
Afternoon Tea with Friends to Warm up Winter Days
Effie, Ophelia and I shall be having afternoon tea tomorrow. It’s too cold to play outside and cold wintry days make me want to drink plenty of milky, sweet tea. I will set aside a saucer of milk for Ophelia - cats are not allowed tea!
I've already hand-delivered my invitation to Effie. She laughed at my handwriting and said I needed more practice if I want to write like a lady. I shan't be giving her an extra Banbury cake! It probably didn't help that the rain got to the envelope and smudged the ink.
I will wear my best dress and use my best tea-set and maybe if the sun shines, we’ll have afternoon tea at the bottom of the garden where no one can interrupt our fun. There will be plenty of sandwiches, without crusts on of course, and almond biscuits...
"I shan't be giving her an extra Banbury cake!"
I must sneak into the pantry now if I’m going to get everything I need!
The best Christmas present...
It was Christmas Eve. Amelia and Effie were sitting in a window seat in the house in Hampstead, drinking tea as snow fell on Church Row outside. Effie was reading aloud dramatically from Matilda Marchmont’s old journal, which they had found in the chest.
Amelia could make out the branches of the tall Christmas tree quite clearly now, flickering with soft candlelight and hung with gingerbread stars. The room was garlanded with ivy and mistletoe.
“Hmm. I’ve taught you to read well,” mused Amelia.
“Don’t flatter yourself, will you!”
The girls grinned at each other.
Mr. Haverstock was walking across the room. His hands were flapping oddly.
“Please don’t over-excite yourself, but I have news. Great news. More than news…A visitor. Can you bear a tremendous shock do you think?”
Flickering with soft candlelight and hung with gingerbread stars..
Extract from 'Amelia's Inheritance'
The bathing suit...
Papa is keen for us all to go on a lovely day trip to the seaside, now the weather is warmer and more pleasant. I want to try sea bathing so Aunt Cora decided I had to have the proper clothes so as not to scandalise everyone. As if I would!
I don’t mind our shopping trips as much these days, although she does seem to find them tiring. The noise and the bustle still gets to me, all that simpering over ribbons still seems very silly! But a bathing dress does mean I can go in the sea!
Well, I have it now. It is all black, with flannel bloomers and a flannel, long sleeved dress with matching black bathing boots. The boots have straw soles and laces all the way up to my knees. The cap is quite ok though, a bit jaunty perched on my head and the black stockings are quite soft. It does not, however, look very practical for swimming in the sea I must say. It will get all heavy and itchy when it gets wet! But Aunt Cora has promised to help me embroider colourful coils round the tops of my boots and the cuffs of my dress so it will be less boring to look at, at least.