Update Bex and Nisha May 19 2021
Great news about Bex and Nisha!
The carrier contacted us today to let us know that goods are scheduled to arrive at the US port by 28 May. Goods then have to clear customs, but then they are in the warehouse and will be sent out immediately once they are processed by our warehouse team.
We are super excited about this - although it seems that shipping continues to be something of a challenge in 2021, just as it was in 2020.
A gentle reminder to those who purchased Bex, per our last update she will be coming dressed in grey tights rather than in her orange tights as originally planned. The reason being that there were some colour transference from the orange tights to the back of the box when we did out final safety test.
We are so excited to be getting Bex and Nisha out to our US customers and thank you again for all your patience and supporting our small independent business!